Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Petal-less Penny

Hello everyone,
My name is Bryan Richardson.  I have designed this blog in recognition of breast cancer awareness month. With so many courageous people and families affected and made tremendously stronger because of this condition, I wanted to extend a hand in assuring them that everything will turn out alright.  The following post is a story that I wrote not only to help myself but also with the anticipation of helping others relay the subtle message that bald is beautiful.  If any one individual, family member, co-worker, etc. can be brought to a smile because of the short story of Petal-less Penny, then my hobby of creativeness has paid off more than you would ever know.  The story of Penny can be shared in any situation, young or old, to boost the spirits of those brave individuals who wear their baldness smiling and proud.  You are all beautiful inside and out, remember this and never stray.  Enjoy!
Thank you to anyone who shares this message, blog and story.  One smile is all it takes.
Bryan Richardson
University of Massachusetts Boston
© Please share.

Petal-less Penny
The sun’s shining bright, the whistling wind steady, today’s the perfect day.  A a new flower is to arrive; her name is Penny.  Now, the flowers whom live within the garden of Bates, have been preparing for this special day, and oh what a hype it creates.  The seedlings will dance, jonnie jumpers will leap, and even the roses are taking time off from sweeping the ladies off their feet.   
What will Penny look like, everyone wanted to know.
“I hear she is the most beautiful flower eyes have ever seen,” says a gardener lilac by the name of Joe.
  “How did you hear Joe?” asks Larry the lily. 
“Well Larry, while passing the dandelion patch last Monday afternoon, and couldn’t help but overhearing, their usual gossip, day in and day out, but this time they were talking about Penny, without any doubt.”
  “Oh jeez Joe, will those weeds ever learn, their gift of gab concerning Penny’s arrival is none of their concern.”
  “Actually Larry, to my surprise, the chit chatty dandelions had nothing but good things to say, and couldn’t wait for Penny to arrive.  Hey they even have a special spot in the garden put aside.” 
“Oh isn’t that great, but Joe, we should get back to decorating the garden before it gets too late.”
 “Yes Larry you’re right, I want Penny’s arrival to be nothing but a delight.”
It was now a little after noon; bird baths were polished, small puddles reminded you of swimming pools.  The garden was dazzling, bees were buzzing.  
“Hey Joe what time did you say Penny was coming?” 
“2 o’clock Larry and boy the lady flowers will be jealous, they say she’s very different and totally stunning.  She’s more glamorous than any rose throughout the pink patch, and much hotter than any lit match.”
 “15 more minutes!”  The garden becomes restless, waiting for penny to grace them with her presence…
“Grab the chain Larry we must open the gates, move those big stones there be blocking the walk way!”
“I got it Joe, now give it a tug, and don’t forget to roll out the tomato colored rug.”           
Everyone gets into place, sprinklers on low, she’s getting closer we could all tell, by a sudden glamorous glow.  The brighter it got the nearer she was, just then there was a loud applause.
Penny entered the garden and with no surprise, she is the most beautiful flower ever seen by anyone’s eyes.
“Wow! Joe the rumors were right, Penny will shine well into the night!”
 “I told you, Larry, Penny is special."
 She was the prettiest flower in the patch even without any petals.


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